Choens (Nullius in verba)

Announcing - The Analytic Toolkit

Programmers have a maxim: DO NOT REPEAT YOURSELF (DRY). The Analytics Toolkit project is my attempt to follow this maxim at the project level.

At any given moment, I have a half-dozen analysis projects in the air. Some of these consist of only a couple of R files. Many projects are made up of of many files, scattered over multiple folders. It makes my life easier if these projects all look and feel the same. For example, project specific functions should always be in the same folder (R). And it would be nice if I already had README file templates (Markdown or Org) set up in a consistent manner.

I have created a series of repositories on my Github account, all starting with the word “analytic”. Combined, these are what I am referring to here as the “Analytic Toolkit”. Each repository has a specific purpose, but they are all interconnected.

  • Analytics Templates: A collection of template files. For example, analysis.R, is a template file for a simple analysis. These files are useful because they provide a consistent layout and structure. Each file is intended to be individually useful. Clone the repository to your local computer and copy / paste the individual template files as they become useful to you.
  • Analytic Template - R: A “project template” for analysis in R. Contains a consistent set of folders, README files, and functions that I use for all my projects. I felt I was wasting time re-creating the same project structure over and over again. This is my solution.
  • Analytic Config: Useful tools for setting up a new system.

Right now, these tools are only an outline of what I would eventually like to create, but anyone is free to follow, fork, and contribute.

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