Choens (Nullius in verba)

Kubuntu, Jonathan Riddell

Let me start by stating this: I am not an official or unofficial Kubuntu community member. I’m not even on the forum. That being said, I have loved using Ubuntu and Kubuntu. I love what Ubuntu is doing, but I’ve had a soft-place in my heart for KDE for a long time. I started using Linux in the late 90s. Back then, I used SUSE (back when it WAS spelled that way) and SUSE used KDE. I believe it was version KDE 2.2 or so when I joined the band-wagon. Good stuff. I eventually moved over to the Ubuntu camp but I continue to put Kubuntu on every laptop in my house (if I own it).

I am deeply saddened by the massive, sudden dust-up I’m seeing in the community. I do not know any of the players involved. I have read their words. In Riddell’s case, I’ve been reading his words for a VERY long time. Is he passionate? Yes. Does he challenge people? Yes. And I’m sure he bruised a few feelings along the way. But, the links I saw from the CC, which purported to demonstrate his violations of the Ubuntu CoC do not justify the CCs unprecedented response.

This is a long post, but worth reading. It seems to explain things in as much detail as I can find anywhere. I hope cooler heads step forward and find a way to re-open the dialog here, because I like Kubuntu and as strong as it is, I’m not sure it would survive as a Debian fork.


I am really saddened by the Mark’s role in this. Is Ubuntu a democracy - of course not. But this dust-up seems to be unjustified and completely tone-deaf to the needs of the Kubuntu Community which is the largest and most successful of the various *buntu flavors.

I support Jonathan Riddell.

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