Choens (Nullius in verba)

Holding Her

She looks quiet . . . . for now.

Leila sleeping in Karen's lap.

This is what love looks like

Leila is in the swing. Mom might pick her up for another snuggle.

Karen, gazing down at Monkey, who is not actually in the picture.

No shortage of fun pictures today!

Leila doesn't look real happy in this one.

Here, she is looking up at me. Somewhat inquisitively.

Resting peacefully

A closeup


Her Olympic dreams begin.

She's asleep, with her arms stretched out overhead. The illusion  of victory.

Future Goals

If you don’t give a kid goals . . .

A onesie with three steps: Crawl, Walk and a picture of a guy skiing.

I'm really cute when I'm asleep.

Yes. Yes she is.

Yet another picture of Leila sleeping peacefully.

I'm Done!

Seriously Dad, put a fork in me ‘cause I’m done. . . .

Leila, passed out due to a milk induced 'food coma'.

A Sleeping Monkey

Hard to believe she has been with us for so long now. She shouldn’t even be breathing air. Yet, here she is. Sleeping off another good meal.

Leila, sleeping sweetly.